Sunday, May 17, 2009


We just arrived in Paris, wonderful rainy Paris. After a three hour Eurostar train ride and a legit nap, we all (for the most part) are refreshed. After dragging our luggage up 30 steps, walking up and down the block we finally found our hotel.

The room is odd. There is a large bed, a pull out bed, and a single bed behind the door. The room came equipped with a radio and a small kitchen along with a pleasant yet interesting aroma.

On tap for tonight is some French cuisine and hopefully a good night sleep. Bz the weaz the kezboard is quite different. It consists on random kezs in various places and the shift button is no where in sight. In order to get the explanation point zou need zo hold alt, control and some other odd known button for it to appear. FANTASTIQUE+

The plus sign indicates where the explanation mark should be and the z^s since there is no commas should be y`s, I do not know where that apostrophe came from.

I am done with this so called "technology"

Tata, Stacie =)

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