Friday, May 22, 2009

Olympic Museé

What a morning! Although we had to wake up early it was amazing to walk out into the streets of Lausanne and enjoy the beautiful weather. We all had a meeting with a tour guide from the Olympic Museé and what we saw before we even got to the Museé was amazing. The sand sculptures still in development of Roger Federer and Mohammed Ali with an Olympic torch connecting the two, Michael Phelps and his 8 gold medals still being worked on. It was pretty cool to see that for everything there is an art to it and the people who were working on these sand sculptures were real artistic. Outside of the Museé there were Olympic records displayed in the High Jump, which was about 6m 14 and the Pole Vault which was around 60m, pretty serious jumping right there. What we saw inside the Museé was even more intense and probably one of the collest things I had seen inside of there were the torches of every Olympic games since the very beginning until Beijing. We took some really cool pics in there. Another memorable part was seeing a basketball signed by every player of the 1992 Dream Team in Barcelona, that was definitely a plus for me. Definitely the best part of the Museé had to be sight of Stacie being rolled around in a wheelchair becasue of her twisted ankle in London, she is getting better by the day so thats good. I am real pressed for time and to everyone reading this Luasanne is definitely a place you would want to visit, the Olympic Museé is real cool too.
By the way this was written by Gregory Frias and not Prof. Ryan, see everyone when I get back, just wanted to send some love to my family and my girlfriend :)

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