Saturday, May 2, 2009

Invitation to post to Olympic Odyssey Blog

Open invitation to post
I would like to welcome you to the SU Olympic Odyssey Blog! Please feel free to pass along the web address to family, friends and collogues. I will work on the look of the site…but for now…go for it…!!! Please remember this is a site that may be viewed by anyone …so please keep the conversation directed to the Olympic Odyssey and remember to focus on the academic experience (OK, and a bit of fun).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone - It looks like you're all having a great time! The photos are awesome though no one is sporting SU Orange?!? I'm loving all the detailed info (can someone show Stacy how to work the new keyboard LOL!!) so keep it coming. Prof. Veley is heading your way at 12:15 pm our time today. Be kind to him - I'm sure you can all still remember what that jetlag felt like! So it's been one week - tell us all what your favorite thing (something you've seen or done) has been to date. Keep those messages and photos coming and be safe all!

